about me


I'm Leies Frisan, a self-taught game developer and 3d artist from Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
You may call me a "T-shaped" game dev. "A jack of all trades; master of one", if you will.

My main passion is anything "3d-art". Environments, Characters, Props, Vehicles, whatever. If it can be represented with a lot of triangles it's my kinda thing.
I've been working with Blender since I was 13 and five years later here I am. Obsessed with these silly little triangles in my 'puter.

Tech art would probably be my #2. Specifically shaders are fascinating; visualizing numbers with colors will never not amaze me.
Programming in general is fascinating. I can tell computers what to do??? How dare people give me that kind of power.

Other things I usually work with are Animation and Rigging, UI/UX Design and a bit of audio maybe.

If you feel like reading fine-print then this is just for you. The character you can see on the left is "Yasu", my character I appear as online. He's usually just an anthropomorphic cat, but I drew him with a tv head out of boredom once and it looks too cool to not use everywhere. My mug's on the right, by the way. Hello :v

Oh hey you wanna read more, cool. My favorite console is the SNES (who would've guessed with that title font) and my favorite game is either Super Mario Kart or Stray.

Alright that's enough, go read my studies or look at my art or something.

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