My work.

A small selection of 3d models I'm comfortable making open-source (they're on github since this website is hosted there).
Anything "closed-source" that's worth sharing can be found in the other categories.

3d gallery

image gallery

shipped projects

The Portal of Spirits

> lead 3d artist, tech artist, character artist

> notable contributions:
-> the centerpiece flatride inside the tower, an indoor bungee drop by intamin inspired by mystery castle at Phantasialand, Germany.
-> environment work inside the castle
-> logo design
-> models and animations for park visitors (used in all other projects)


> a gerstlauer launch coaster inspired by Karacho @ Tripsdrill, Germany
> lead 3d artist.
> track designer.

> notable contributions:
-> custom gerstlauer infinity gen II train
-> ride electronics (sensors, brakes, magnets)
-> character design and artwork for vulak
-> lots of environment art

Celen 2

> lead 3d artist.
> track designer.
> character artist.

> notable contributions:
-> custom GCI millenium flyer trains
-> modeling and animations for three dragons
-> a lot of texture work

El Dorado*

* shipped after I left CGW

> 3d artist, technical artist
> notable contributions:
-> HUSS rides suspended topspin
-> environment art around topspin and youngstar coaster
-> derivative assets from previous projects, such as the intamin drop tower seats.

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